Monday, December 27, 2004

FIREFOX: Nice trick to move focus to textboxes/checkboxes/links in a webpage

Firefox has a sleek search facility.. It can search very well and find te exact phrase you are looking for... Here is a Tip on using this facility to your advantage..

Interestingly you can use this facility to move focus to textboxes/radio buttons and similar objects embedded in a HTML page. And more importantly you can totally avoid use of mouse to click on the text box to type in something..

Say i want to login into my rediffmail account..So i open .. Rediff does not shift the focus to username textbox to help you login.. So we have our age old method of using the mouse and click on the username textbox... Time consuming... Isn't it.. After all we geeky guys always want to have a leg up..

So we press /(to say browser that we are going to search).. Now type "user name" ("user" will do with current site).. This will highlight "User Name"... Now!! just press the TAB key and you are done... Please login... Saves time... Not difficult (good for those who hate using mouse again and again for clicking here and there)... Go ahead and try it out.. Its interesting...

How is it Anand??

You can also use this search facility to visit a URL present on the web... Say u want to go on URL saying "India Score 348 again Bangladesh". Just search for text appearing in the URL until the text containing the right link is higlighted (bcoz same text can occur and many places SO YOU NEED TO TYPE METICULOUSLY).. Once the higligthing is done.. just press enter... and you are done...

Also Instead of pressing Enter press Ctrl+Enter ... This will open the link in new tab...

One more thing.. What will you do if a textbox is already in focus(you can't use the firefox search using "/" anymore).. just press TAB/shift TAB untill focus is shifted to something which is not a textbox... Now you can use the search as before...

Some scenarious where you can use these features
  • Log in to various sites and your mail boxes..
  • Jump to links while browsing (especially while reading), very helpful
  • Navigating though your mail box (opening messages, sign out, delete messages)
  • You are limited only by your thinking...
Microsoft's IE doesn't stand a chance against Firefox... as fat as this feature is concerned...

Welcome to the era of faster, effective and hassle free browsing..


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