You must be knowing about Mozilla Firefox, blazing fast new open source Web Browser. The real power of firefox is in the way it has been created. it allows anybody to write some piece of code which will have some functionality (popularly known as extensions).
One such popular and widely used extension is Adblock. After u install it, it will identify possible items on a web pages (like a flash movie, a banner) which are potential canditate of being an ad. You can then decide either to block it or leave it as it is. You can block anything that appears on the webpage ranging from an image to an iFrame. Amazing isn't. You just block hefty little flash files etc.. and your pages would start loading faster.
But it was only side of the story. There is a flip side to it. It is just killing ad revenues on internet. If you are smart enough to block the image/ifram properly you will not get ad from that link again. Now the ad companies will loose a lot of money for sure. Now web sites are smart enough to have ads from several links. But if you visit a site often like within a few days you will be able to block most of the annoying ads that appear on top of the messages etc.. and slow down the actual downloading of the message.
Take case of google ad sense. all google adsense is done via Iframes which have the address in the beginning. In order to blcok google ads from disturbing you, u just need to block the ifram* which will block all good ads. Huge loss to google.. A large chunk of profit to google comes from google adsense itself..
The lesson to be learnt is that things like Adblocks cannot be avoided. And firefox is gaining popularity like anything and it is all set to become the most popular browser on earth. So ad agencies will loose money for sure. They need to come up with some new stategies for ads. May be have multiple domain names and change then regularly.. i don know..
Is google listening!!